Occlusal Appliances

The Thermo-Splint is made entirely from thermo-sensitive acrylic material and is softer but more resilient than the traditional hard-acrylic splint. In its ambient state, the Thermo-Splint remains rigid. However, when held under hot water (130°) for 30 seconds, it becomes very pliable, allowing the device to glide effortlessly over the height of contour for easy seating. As it cools, the Thermo-Splint stiffens once again, engaging undercuts and offering excellent retention.

Thermo-Splint is an excellent option for:

  • Protecting extensive fixed restorative work

  • Patients who are light to moderate bruxers

Your patients will love the ease and comfort of the Thermo-Splint, especially when compared to a hard-acrylic bite splint.

The Thermo-Splint Custom Fit consists of two layers:

  • The outer layer on the occlusal surface is an extremely rigid, orthodontic acrylic for greater durability.

  • The outer layer on the occlusal surface is an extremely rigid, orthodontic acrylic for greater durability.

  • The inner layer is a thermo-sensitive material allowing for easy seating and retentive fit*.

* Materials may be added or subtracted from the Custom Fit inner layer, giving you an easy-to-use tool for a variety of treatments.

Due to this unique construction, the Thermo-Splint Custom Fit can adapt to incremental restorative work again and again. It can also be a versatile tool to open or close the vertical. Additionally, because the patient bites into the splint to seat while it’s warm, it also equilibrates itself to the opposing arch. It’s like a real-time, chair-side “laboratory” procedure without sending to the lab.

The Thermo-Splint Custom Fit offers the best characteristics of a Thermo-Splint coupled with a hard splint.

The Thermo-Splint MPA is a device that attaches firmly to both the upper and lower arch simultaneously in such a way as to maintain the mandible in a protruded position. This custom-made prescription device is a single-patient, multi-use product for use at home or in a sleep laboratory.

We fabricate our traditional splint from methyl-methacrylate, a rigid, durable acrylic. Due to its construction, this splint works well for heavy bruxers and grinders.

Click on image to download
Thermo-Splint Care Guide.